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Access Denied 115 Clearance Necessary Black Ops 4

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  • #1
Firstly, regarding the various teleporters around the map once you turn the power on: has anyone figured out if there is a method to the madness that is the teleporters? As in, is there a specific way to figure out where a particular teleporter will take you before you enter it or is it pretty much random?

I spent about 15 minutes running around with a crawler trying to figure out a pattern of some sort but nothing came up. The only thing I noticed was that in the room where you turn the power on, the teleporter there either takes you to the first floor (start area) or the DEFCON room. And the DEFCON room is the only place to get to the Pack-a-punch. Other than that, no idea.

Secondly, about this pentagon thief. What is the best way to kill him if you have no upgraded weapons or the death machine without him taking your weapons? I was only exposed to the thief once, so correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I saw, he flies around the map with a red number trail following him, suddenly flies right up to you and takes your weapon. You have maybe 2 seconds to shoot him.

So really, without decent weapons has anyone figured out a decent way to balance running from him and shooting at the same time? How much damage can this guy take? [face_silly]

  • #2
you can actually access the pack a punch room thru any portal once defcon is activated, I've read up that the best way to kill the thief is with the crossbow, its a 1 hit kill with it
  • #3
Someone sent this in, but I can't make sense of it:

How to access the 115 neccesary clearance room on zombies 'FIVE'?

To access the 115 neccessary clearance room after going down the lift into the defcon room,
You must first go down the lift to the basement and switch the power on as you will see the teleporters will become active,
Go back up the elevator to the defcon room and have JFK go into the teleporter right in front of the elevator as it opens as this will take you too the 115 neccesary clearance room where the pack a punch machine is located,
It must be JFK as he is a president going into the teleporter first then the rest can follow.

The last line makes it sound like b.s. to me.

  • #4
I've read up that the best way to kill the thief is with the crossbow, its a 1 hit kill with it
pack-a-punched or regular crossbow? or does it not matter?
Someone sent this in, but I can't make sense of it:
how much have you played the map, just curious?
Whoever sent that is wrong though [face_tongue]

Yes you have to go down to the third level and turn the power on before you can access the pack-a-punch, but that guy left out the fact that before you can get in the room you still have to raise the DEFCON level on the second floor (via the 4 switches in that room, two on top on the catwalk, two on the bottom facing the stairs. You don't get access to it from those teleporters right away. THEN once the DEFCON level is raised to 5, the teleporter in that room will take you to the Pack-a-punch machine. (you will notice that the room with the machine is the one that was previous blocked and said "access denied, 115 clearance necessary"

and yeah, it doesn't matter who you are, JFK doesn't get special privileges...can you imagine how unfair that would be if playing with 3 others, and you had to have JFK access the room first before anyone else can? [face_tongue]

  • #5
how much have you played the map, just curious?
Whoever sent that is wrong though [face_tongue]

Yes you have to go down to the third level and turn the power on before you can access the pack-a-punch, but that guy left out the fact that before you can get in the room you still have to raise the DEFCON level on the second floor (via the 4 switches in that room, two on top on the catwalk, two on the bottom facing the stairs. You don't get access to it from those teleporters right away. THEN once the DEFCON level is raised to 5, the teleporter in that room will take you to the Pack-a-punch machine. (you will notice that the room with the machine is the one that was previous blocked and said "access denied, 115 clearance necessary"

and yeah, it doesn't matter who you are, JFK doesn't get special privileges...can you imagine how unfair that would be if playing with 3 others, and you had to have JFK access the room first before anyone else can? [face_tongue]

We already figured that it was b.s. -- none of the characters have special privileges (BTW that user was perma-banned).

I only found teleporters in the Dead Ops mini-game -- didn't make it far enough on Zombies mode (nice one, where bots are available only for training while one is online ... give me L4D) to take interest in it.

Thanks for the clarification though.

  • #8
Haven't made it far enough to get to teleporters :(
  • #9
I'm not completely sure myself. From what I experienced, the teleporter labeled "1" takes you to the top floor. Also, with the pentagon thief, I go on the second floor and run around the circular balcony level on the top. Seems to do the trick for me.
  • #10
(BTW that user was perma-banned).
lol.'re not serious right? [face_worried] *never sends in anymore tips or cheats for fear of them being wrong*
If it's accidentally wrong, it's one thing, but if it's deliberately wrong, then I start investigating.

Don't worry -- it's generally the new users with zero board posts I look at (i.e., a spam account getting ready to hit IGN).

Not a Playstation 3 fan, though I'm playing Macross Frontiers on it right now.
(nice one, where bots are available only for training while one is online ... give me L4D)
glad I wasn't the only one disappointed by this, treyarch did say you could play that mode offline, didn't they? Lame indeed. It would be a good patch for them to implement in the future, so that if so inclined I could play split screen with some buddies taking on a bunch of bots. awesome just thinking about it... [face_mischief]
That would be the best DLC for CODBO ever, but I probably will be on a new project by then.
now back to the matter at hand about the whole random teleporter thing...anyone figure out a pattern, if any?
It could be random, if you've been teleporting several times and no pattern emerges. Try this: after 20 teleports (same portal) and there is no pattern, it's very likely a random zap, or there's some invisible condition being used.

Deleted member 4123329

  • #11
Wise, why didn't you just ask ME??


Made with Love..... by monsters
  • #12
I'm not sure if you guys knows this but me and some friends figured this out.


Make a crawler and go into the middle room and adjust the defcon level to DEFCON 5. Every telporter will take you to presidential suite. All switches are in that room. 3 upstaris and one downstairs.

There ya go.

  • #13
i don't know if this is any help

  • #14

Here is a strategy for the Pentagon Thief on solo. I have not tried it myself yet.

  • #15
I know that this is a little random but Is there even a weapons chest in the Pentagon? Is it in the basement? And, can anyone post a way to get the Pack a Punch machine? This new map is crazy lol.


Made with Love..... by monsters
  • #16
I know that this is a little random but Is there even a weapons chest in the Pentagon? Is it in the basement? And, can anyone post a way to get the Pack a Punch machine? This new map is crazy lol.
read my post.
  • #17
Turns out that from general consensus the teleporters ARE in fact random.

Also, yeah the crossbow is sweet against the pentagon thief. I suggest that one person on your team have one at all times. Not only will it kill the thief in one hit, the pack a punched version makes the zombies gather around the arrow until it explodes, like a monkey bomb but doesn't last as long.

Wise, why didn't you just ask ME??

because you aren't the sole expert on this map whether you believe so or not... [face_rolling_eyes]

I know that this is a little random but Is there even a weapons chest in the Pentagon? Is it in the basement? And, can anyone post a way to get the Pack a Punch machine? This new map is crazy lol.
yeah bro you have ADD or something, try reading the thread first brah...

Deleted member 4123329

  • #18
but I knew everything you asked...
  • #19
How have you possibly Platinumed Black Ops if you asking how to kill the P. Thief. The trophy "Hands Off the Merchandise" requires you to kill the pentagon thief before he steals your loadout.
  • #20
Best ways to kill the pentagon thief before he steals your weapons:

Get an insta kill before he comes, but you will not get bonfire sale

Get a death matchine before he comes.

Have quick revive, down yourself (must be solo of course), and blast him with the mustang and sally. It's best if you're in the elevator going down to the third floor or up to the second. You should be able to see him and have enough time to kill him before he gets to you.

Remember, the more people in the game, the harder it is to kill him.

I haven't found a method to the teleporter locations.

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Access Denied 115 Clearance Necessary Black Ops 4
