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Job Board Wordpress Theme Free Download

Are you aiming to build a job listing site in 2021? If that's the case, then you can take help from a free job board WordPress theme.

With a job-related web template, you don't have to build your site from scratch. You can make use of that time to grow your business instead!

The average duration of landing a job in the US is about five months. So, if you can make this process easy for job seekers, your recruitment business can flourish.

Here is a list of 15+ free job WordPress themes in this article. You can select any of these web templates to power your job board.

Additionally, you can also take help from these informative blogs. These articles can help you create an effective job search site on WordPress.

  • How to Choose a WordPress Theme? 18 Things to Consider
  • How to Start a WordPress Blog on Bluehost?

Table of Contents

  • What to Look for in a Free Job Board WordPress Theme?
    • 1. Job Listing Page Template
    • 2. Advanced Search Form
    • 3. Front-End Submission
    • 4. Mobile-Friendly Design
    • 5. Search Engine Optimized
    • 6. Google Maps Integration
    • 7. Translation Ready
  • List of Free Job Board WordPress Themes in 2021
    • JobScout
    • Job Portal
    • RoboJob
    • JobFinderPortal
    • Careers
    • Comports
    • Jobpply
    • JobPortal
    • Jobstart
    • Job Board 2
    • Jobfinder
    • Skillhunt
    • JobListing
    • Classy Ads
    • Jobile
    • ET Job Portal
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Free Job Board WordPress Themes
    • Should I Get a Free Job Board WordPress Theme or a Premium One?
    • What Are Some Ways to Monetize My Job Listing Site?
    • Why Do I Need a Newsletter Section in My Job Portal?
  • Which Free Job Board WordPress Theme Should I Download?

What to Look for in a Free Job Board WordPress Theme?

Before you pick a web theme to design your job listing site, look for several essential attributes. Only then can you successfully create job portals of your desire.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

So, here are seven essential elements/features that are of high-priority in a free job board WordPress theme.

1. Job Listing Page Template

When a recruiter posts vacancy details on a job listing site, they have to provide a detailed description. A brief job description won't attract a lot of candidates. Job seekers won't apply for jobs that have little to no information.

Your ideal WordPress theme should provide a page template for single jobs. Recruiters can write about their job vacancies in detail. So, candidates can have a better understanding of the job before they apply.

2. Advanced Search Form

The recruiters will use your job site to search for qualified candidates to fill their vacancies. Similarly, job seekers will also search for company profiles where they would like to work.

You need to provide an advanced search bar for both the recruiters and job seekers.

Thus, you have to search for a WordPress theme that provides this search feature. The search bar also needs to have multiple filter options. Some of the filters might be for location, keywords, categories, and so on.

3. Front-End Submission

Your audience wants an easy way to submit relevant information on the job portal.  Some of that information includes vacancy details, resumes, candidate profiles, company profiles, and more.

The web visitors don't want to contact admins to post these details every time. Instead, you have to let them submit it from the front-end. Your ideal WordPress theme should provide an intuitive interface for both recruiters and job seekers.

4. Mobile-Friendly Design

Does your website render correctly on all screen sizes? The recruiters and job seekers will browse your site from multiple display devices like smartphones, laptops, desktops, tablets, and others.

Your audience will not take unpleasant web experience lightly. If the web visitors cannot browse the site from these devices, they will bounce away.

So, you have to search for a WordPress theme that is responsive/mobile-friendly. In fact, mobile-friendliness is one of the crucial factors to decrease your website's bounce rate.

5. Search Engine Optimized

The job seekers are using search engines to find their desired vacancies. Recruiters also rely on those engines to search for qualified candidates. We can conclude that search engines are a great marketing platform.

An SEO-friendly web template helps you rank your site on higher results in search engines. Some of them include Google, Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo.

Also, make sure the WordPress theme that you select supports schema integration. With this feature, Google and other search engines can understand your web content with ease.

6. Google Maps Integration

Google Maps are incredibly helpful for candidates to find a company's whereabouts.

Photo by Yucel Moran on Unsplash

You need to search for a WordPress theme that integrates Google Maps, or any other options. Some of its alternatives include Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap,, and more.

7. Translation Ready

Are you targeting audiences that speak multiple languages? If yes, then your selected web template should enable you to translate your job site. You have to pick a WordPress theme that supports multiple languages across the globe.

If you want to help job seekers from the middle east, you need a theme that supports RTL language scripts. RTL stands for Right-to-Left, and its examples are Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, and more.

List of Free Job Board WordPress Themes in 2021

Did you find the information from the above section helpful? We bet you did! You must be eager to learn about the fantastic web templates to design job board websites in 2021.

Let's look at the free job board WordPress themes in this section.



JobScout is an elegant WordPress theme with a clean layout. You can install this theme to design job board websites. This theme's fast load speed helps enhance the user experience for both job seekers and recruiters.

This SEO-friendly theme supports schema integration that helps your site rank higher on search engines. Also, JobScout is mobile-friendly/responsive, meaning your website displays appropriately on all screen sizes.

The compatibility of JobScout with the WooCommerce plugin helps you set up an online store with ease.

JobScout is also compatible with the WP Job Manager plugin. This short-code based extension provides an intuitive admin interface. Here, you can add, edit, mark, and delete numerous jobs.

Besides, you can allow recruiters to upload jobs from the front-end. JobScout includes advanced search functionalities as well. The job seekers can filter out the search based on keyword, job type, location, and category.

Also, you get multiple page layouts for Job Dashboard, Single Job Listing, and others. The homepage includes six sections like Banner, Job Posting, Call-to-Action, Latest Articles, and Testimonials to illustrate your job-related services.

JobScout lets you translate your site into any language. You can build your website based on Right-to-Left language scripts as well.

Theme DetailsDemo

Job Portal

Job Portal

Job Portal is a minimal WordPress theme that helps you design job-related sites. The responsiveness of this theme helps your site render correctly on all screen sizes. Job Portal even provides a fast load speed for your website.

Besides, Job Portal includes SEO settings. You can optimize to rank your website on top results of search engines with this functionality.

Job Portal lets you import its demo content with a single click. The demo content includes several website elements, such as customizable content blocks. You can modify your site using these blocks with the help of drag-and-drop page builders.

You also get multiple homepage sections with Job Portal. Some of them are Banner, Featured Jobs, Call-to-Action, Latest Blog Post, and more. The search bar in the Banner section helps job seekers to find jobs based on relevant keywords.

Also, Job Portal includes several page templates for Job Openings, Contact Us, Blog, and others. The Contact Us page integrates Google Maps application to help your audience locate your business easily.

You can even customize the logo for your job board site. Job Portals lets you make changes to the typography and color settings as well.

Additionally, Job Portal is translation ready.

Theme DetailsDemo



RoboJob is a spacious WordPress theme that is both SEO and speed optimized. With this theme, you can build job board sites for both general and niche-specific purposes.

The parallax scrolling effect of RoboJob adds beauty to your site. This responsive theme displays your content with correct dimensions on all screen sizes. RoboJob has lightning-fast speed as well.

You get a sticky header bar with RoboJob. Your web visitors can navigate your site with ease using this attribute. RoboJob also lets you add a multiple level menu. This feature helps you to display numerous items on your Menu bar.

RoboJob supports the WP Job Manager plugin that helps you manage job listings on your site. You can also let recruiters submit their vacancy details from the front-end, using this human resource plugin.

Besides, RoboJob also features multiple page templates like Job Dashboard, Post a Job, Resume, Candidate Dashboard, and others.

The homepage of RoboJob includes multiple attractive sections. For instance, the Banner section has two Call-to-Action buttons and a search bar.

Also, you can translate your website with Robojob. This theme even supports RTL language scripts.

Theme DetailsDemo



JobFinderPortal is a neat and clean WordPress theme. The name of this theme applies that you can design powerful websites for job searches. You get a spacious layout to illustrate both generic and niche-specific jobs.

This theme is responsive, which helps your site render on all screen sizes correctly. JobFinderPortal also features a sticky navigation bar and a Back-to-Top button. With these features, your audience can browse the site with ease.

You also get a hover effect for two buttons in the navigation bar. The buttons are for Register and Login.

Moreover, the search bar in the Banner section helps job seekers to search for their desired vacancy. They can filter out the options based on keywords and locations.

JobFinderPortal provides a slider for the Testimonial section. You also get other attractive elements on the homepage. Some of them are Browse Top Categories, Call-to-Action, Featured Jobs, How it Works, and others.

Besides, you can even integrate social media icons on your job listing site. Both job seekers and recruiters can connect with you using these social buttons. Some of them are for Facebook, Twitter, Behance, and so on.

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Careers is an attractive WordPress theme with a parallax scrolling effect. This theme works best if you want to design human resource websites like job boards, recruitment services, and others.

The mobile-friendliness of Careers displays your site with flexible dimensions on all screen sizes. Its advanced search bar allows job seekers to filter out the results based on several factors. Some of them include keywords, location, and so on.

Careers has an animated Statistics section to illustrate relevant numbers. You can show numerals for candidates, jobs posted, jobs filled, and companies that have trusted your service.

Also, the Testimonial section features a carousel slider. Here, you can display the praises stated by your previous customers. Other homepage sections of Careers are Job Listing, Companies' Logos, Call-to-Action, and more.

You even get pre-designed page templates for various purposes. Some of them include Job Listing, About, Blog, Services, and so on. The Job Listing page lets you list vacancies by adding location, job title, salary range, and other details.

Careers also provides separate page layouts for every job submitted to your site. This template includes several sections for Job Summary, Description, Responsibilities, and more.

Theme DetailsDemo



Comports is a job-related WordPress theme with a creative and spacious design. The colorful elements of this theme grab the attention of both job seekers and recruiters.

Comports is responsive/mobile-friendly. So, your website will render with proper dimensions on all display devices. Also, this SEO-friendly theme helps you to rank your site on top results on search engines.

The advanced search bar of Comports lets job seekers find their desired vacancy with ease. The candidates can filter out the jobs based on category, location, and keyword.

The Banner section lets you add a Call-to-Action button. You can link this button to a crucial page on your site. Comports also provides three promo boxes in the Featured Area of its homepage.

Besides, Comports provides a Newsletter section on the homepage as well. You can then collect web visitors' email addresses for starting your email marketing campaign.

With this theme, you get several premade page templates. Some of these layouts are Job Category, Job Single, About Us, and more.

You also get a Pricing Plan page template. Here, your potential customers can select their desired subscription package based on features, price, and other factors.

Theme DetailsDemo



Jobpply is a creative WordPress theme for building job board websites. This theme is responsive/mobile-friendly. So, your audience can browse your site on any screen size. You get both parallax and animation effects to embellish your job listing site.

Do you want to build a generic or an industry-specific job listing site? Either way, Jobpply provides flexible customization settings to design any of these job boards.

The advanced search bar in the Banner area lets your audience choose between two options. Job seekers can click on the 'Find a Job' button while recruiters can click on 'Find a Candidate'.

Both job seekers and recruiters can filter out their search using location, category, and keyword.

Besides, the Newsletter section of Jobpply helps you to grow your mailing list. This feature will help you to convert your potential customers using the email marketing approach.

Other sections of Jobpply's homepage include Featured Area, Top Categories, Hot Jobs, Stats Counter, and so on. Also, the sticky header bar of this theme helps your audience to navigate your site with ease.

Jobpply includes several pre-designed page templates as well. For instance, you get layouts for Candidates List, About, Blog Feed, Contact, and more.

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JobPortal is a delightful and mobile-friendly WordPress theme. Using this theme, you can create incredible job-listing sites to help people find their dream jobs. Your job board site can also help recruiters to discover exceptional talents.

With JobPortal, you get an attractive parallax effect for various sections of the homepage, like Banner. This theme also provides animation effects for multiple website elements.

The sticky header bar of JobPortal helps your audience navigate your site with ease.

Besides, JobPortal has a lazy loading effect. With this feature, you can optimize your website for a faster speed. Only a fraction of web content loads when your audience visits your site. The rest of it loads when they scroll down.

The Banner section of its homepage features two search options. Both the job seekers and recruiters can find their preferred vacancies and qualified candidates respectively.

Also, you get several page templates to illustrate your job-related services. Some of those layouts are for Post a Job, About, Blog, Contact, and others. Moreover, the Contact page includes Google Maps as well.

JobPortal lets you integrate several social media icons. So, you can add Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more to your job board.

Theme DetailsDemo



Jobstart is an elegant WordPress theme that lets you design spacious websites for job boards. You get a scroll content load effect with this theme. So, your site elements will load only when it appears on the display screen.

The responsiveness of Jobstart helps render your site on all display devices. This theme also features a parallax scrolling effect that allows you to grab your web visitors' attention.

Jobstart provides an advanced search bar in the Banner section. Both job seekers and recruiters can benefit from this feature. Your audience can sort their search results by keywords, location, and category.

Also, the Newsletter section helps you grow your email marketing list. Equally important, the Blog Feed lets you share resources and insights using content marketing tactics.

Besides, you also get other appealing elements with Jobstart. Some of its sections are Recent Jobs, Features/Benefits, and Testimonials.

Jobstart provides several pre-designed page layouts as well. You can customize these templates to illustrate job listings and other related services. Some of the pages are for Job Category, Employer Account, Register, Find Candidates, Careers, and more.

Theme DetailsDemo

Job Board 2

Job Board 2

Job Board 2 is a colorful WordPress theme that is perfect for building human resource websites. You can use this theme for job boards, recruitment agencies, and so on.

This theme is responsive/mobile-friendly. So, your audience can browse the site using multiple display devices.

The sticky header bar of Job Board 2 helps web visitors navigate your site with ease. You also get a Post A Job button in the header bar. Job Board 2 provides a hover effect for all the buttons on your website.

Besides, Job Board 2 has an advanced search bar. Here, job seekers can filter out their search results using different factors like keyword, location, and category.

Your audience can also view the suggestion for keywords based on previous searches.

The Job Listing section on Job Board 2's homepage lets recruiters provide a brief detail of a vacancy. They can include job title, location, category, and deadline for the job vacancy.

Employers can include a thorough description of jobs on the Job Detail page. Job Board 2 provides pre-designed page templates for other purposes as well. Some of them include Candidates, Elements, and Browse Jobs.

Theme DetailsDemo



Jobfinder is a WordPress theme with an aesthetically-pleasing design. The primary purpose of this theme is to build job board websites. The responsiveness of Jobfinder helps render your site on all screen sizes correctly.

The full-screen Banner section of its homepage features a parallax scrolling effect. This area also includes an advanced search bar. Using this attribute, job seekers can find their preferred results based on keywords, location, and other filter options.

Jobfinder includes a sticky header bar that provides easy navigation to your audience.

Besides, the scroll content loading attribute of Jobfinder provides a fast load speed for your site. With this feature, your web content will load only when it appears on your viewers' display screen.

Jobfinder includes several website elements that help display your job-related services with ease. Some of its sections include Popular Categories, Recent Jobs, Testimonials, Call-to-Action, Why Choose Us, and so on.

Also, the pre-designed page templates of Jobfinder lets you illustrate your services in detail. For instance, the Post a Job page layout allows recruiters to submit their vacancy details.

Other page templates are for Services, Internship, Browse Candidates, and more.

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Skillhunt is a content-rich WordPress theme for designing websites for job boards and recruitment agencies. You get attractive homepage sections and colorful elements with this gorgeous theme.

The responsiveness of Skillhunt renders your site on all screen sizes. Also, the lazy loading feature helps you get fast speed for your job site.

Skillhunt includes animation effects in the Banner section to illustrate statistics. Some of the stats are for Companies, Active Employees, and so on. The Banner also has a search bar that lets your audience search for vacancies and qualified candidates.

Job seekers can find their desired vacancies using the 'Find a Job' button. Here, they can filter out the options based on keywords, categories, and locations. Besides, recruiters can search for qualified candidates with the 'Find a Candidate' button.

Several sections, including buttons of Skillhunt, feature a hover effect. Some of them are the Featured Area, Top Categories, and Featured Jobs.

Also, the Newsletter section helps you grow your mailing list. So, you can send job updates to your audience and strengthen your email marketing approach. Other elements of Skillhunt are Latest Candidates, Testimonials, Our Blogs, and more.

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JobListing is a clean and elegant WordPress theme that helps you build a clutter-free job board site. The carousel slider on the Featured Jobs section helps job seekers to browse through their desired vacancy details.

You get an advanced search bar in the Banner section. Here, job seekers can filter out options using different factors. Some of them are keywords, locations, and categories.

Besides, the Featured Job Categories section lets your audience search for jobs based on common categories.

JobListing has a sticky menu bar with two CTA buttons. Your web visitors can browse the site easily using this feature.

You also get several pre-designed homepage templates with JobListing. For instance, the Pricing Plan page layout lets you illustrate your job-related services with pricing details.

Whereas, the Job Detail page template allows recruiters to explain their vacancy positions. You get several sections on this page, such as Experience Requirements, Job Features & Overview, Education Requirements, and so on.

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Classy Ads

Classy Ads

Classy Ads is a bright and colorful WordPress theme. You can design appealing directory websites for job listings and recruitment agencies. The parallax scrolling effect on the Banner section helps in grabbing your audiences' attention.

With Classy Ads, you get an advanced search bar with three filter options. These options are for keywords, locations, and categories. Besides, the Featured Area includes a hover effect. You also get six promo boxes in this section.

The Newsletter section of Classy Ads helps your business grow with the email marketing approach. Other attractive components on its homepage include Featured Ads, Trending Today, Testimonials, and more.

Also, you get a smooth carousel slider in the Testimonial section. With this feature, you can illustrate your customers' testimonies elegantly.

Classy Ads also provides multiple page templates for Ads Listings, Blog, About Us, Contact, and others.

Additionally, you can add various social icons to your site. Classy Ads supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. So, your audience can follow you on these platforms to stay updated on the latest vacancy details.

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Jobile is a minimal WordPress theme for designing job portals and recruitment websites. You get a fast loading speed with this lightweight theme. Also, Jobile is responsive and search engine optimized.

You can customize Jobile to build your desired website with the help of its built-in drag-and-drop page builder. Also, this builder plugin provides numerous custom elements and widgets.

Jobile provides more than 1000 retina-ready vector icons. You can modify the icons' dimensions to place them anywhere on your site.

Also, the unlimited color customization feature helps in changing your website appearance. You can modify the color settings for your sites' elements. Additionally, you get more than 600 Google fonts to customize the typography setting.

You also get to import the demo content of Jobile with a single click. With this feature, you simply have to alter the pre-existing sections and page templates to build your site.

Jobile integrates the Google Maps application as well. So, job seekers can quickly locate the office address for interviews and other purposes.

Moreover, you can translate your site into multiple languages. Jobile even supports Right-to-Left (RTL) language scripts.

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ET Job Portal

ET Job Portal

ET Job Portal is a modern WordPress theme with a user-friendly design. You can build niche-specific job sites for various industries. Some of them are for Accounting, Banking, Education, Finance, and so on.

This responsive theme helps your site to render with the correct dimension on all screen sizes. Also, ET Job Portal features a sticky header bar. With this feature, your web visitors can navigate the job portal with ease.

With the integration of the WooCommerce plugin, ET Job Portal lets you set up an online store. You can sell job-related services with this eCommerce plugin.

ET Job Portal also includes multiple homepage sections. Some of them are Search Banner, How it Works, Stats Counter, Testimonies, Latest News, and others.

Also, you get four color styles to modify your website layout. ET Job Portal even lets you customize the theme settings with unlimited color options.

Theme DetailsDemo

Frequently Asked Questions About Free Job Board WordPress Themes

Should I Get a Free Job Board WordPress Theme or a Premium One?

To answer this question, you have to know the type of job listing site that you're building. For instance, if you prefer an extensive list of job portal features, choose premium WordPress themes.

However, you can get free WordPress themes if you're building a minimal website. Or, you can use it when you're not sure about your website requirements. This way, you can try out some options before making a purchase.

What Are Some Ways to Monetize My Job Listing Site?

The most common ways to monetize a website are Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, and so on. However, for a job listing site, you can even use the subscription model to make money from your services.

For this method, you have to provide different pricing packages to your audience. The recruiters can select a pricing plan that lets them post a certain number of jobs in a given period.

Why Do I Need a Newsletter Section in My Job Portal?

The purpose of a Newsletter section is to help you grow your mailing list. For a job listing site, you can boost your email marketing approach with this feature. You can provide job updates, interview tips, and other insights to your audience.

 This section also assists you in converting your web visitors into customers. You can send regular emails to recruiters and aware them of your services.

Which Free Job Board WordPress Theme Should I Download?

So, did you select a theme to power your job portal? If not, then we already have a few recommendations up our sleeve.

First of all, we believe that JobScout is an ideal WordPress theme for job-related websites. Its advanced job form, appealing homepage sections, and multiple page templates help customize your site with flexibility.

However, when it comes to stylish design, Comport leads the way. This free job board WordPress theme also includes a spacious and elegant design. So, you can grab your audiences' attention with ease.

Lastly, you can even design a clean and minimal job portal using Jobile. This simple theme helps you to illustrate your job-related services without any hassle.

Finally, select a web template, only after researching your website requirements. This way, you can pick the right theme for you easily.

Job Board Wordpress Theme Free Download
